Make a Difference Today

Health Ministries

Christian Education 

We hold education classes for all ages at 9:15am each week.  With concern for our children's health, the starting date of these classes will be a little later this year:
  • • Our “Tiny Tot” class is for children from birth to three years of age.    This class will resume in November 2021.
  • • Our Multi-aged Class for children aged 4 through Grade Six. Each week children hear a Bible story, make a craft, and have a themed snack. While covering a large age range, the activities are geared towards the different skill levels of the children in the class. This class will resume in October 2021

  • Opportunities for older youth and adults will be announced soon!

Providing for the needs of the community is at the core of our faith and belief. Taking this seriously, we:

• house the Mineral Ridge Community Parish, a food pantry that distributes groceries to those in need

• distribute food and after school snacks to school-aged children in the community through our Backpack Program

• regularly support the mission of Niles Community Services

• support collections for needed items for our local schools, shelters, and rescue missions

Generously support the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as one of two churches in Eastminster Presbytery that has contributed to One Great Hour of Sharing for 20 consecutive years!

Our Christian Education Committee oversees the educational programs of the church by:

• Recruiting and training teachers and leaders
• Plans and leads our Confirmation Class, FPC and Me classes for those interested in learning more about our church, and our Officer training
• Hosts a Candidates Night for those seeking election to the Weathersfield BoE and Board of Trustees
• Maintains the church library


We provide opportunities for members and friends to interact with one another and always seek to welcome new people into our community. 

We share a time of fellowship every Sunday following worship.

Seeking to promote the wellbeing of body and spirit, we promote the physical and spiritual wellness of our members, friends, and community by providing education about health issues, concerns, and nutrition.  


Growth and Fellowship